- URL: https://<associations-url>/traverse(POST only)
- Version Introduced:10.9
The traverse operation allows you to obtain and extract useful information from the associations table in a utility network.
The type parameter is used to provide the following predefined traversal types:
- dirtyAreaExpansion—Returns associations and objects that have been modified and are marked as dirty. Completes a downward traversal, followed by an ascending traversal, with an exit filter on the first spatial feature in each direction.
- firstContainers—Completes an ascending traversal on containment associations, with an exit filter on the first spatial feature.
- spatialParents—Completes an ascending traversal on all association types, with an exit filter on the first spatial feature.
- topContainers—Completes an ascending traversal to return associations and objects with no exit filter.
- errorsNotModified—Completes a downward traversal to return associations in error, with an exit filter on the first spatial feature.
- modifiedObjects—Completes a downward traversal to return associations that are dirty, with an exit filter on the first spatial feature.
To create a custom traversal the direction, dirtyStatusFilter, errorStatusFilter, stopAtFirstSpatial, and maxDepth parameters can be used. When a traversal type is specified using the type parameter other than the default "unspecified", these parameters are ignored.

Associations are not traversed from spatial features to nonspatial objects and back to spatial features when the exit filter is placed on the first spatial feature.
Request parameters
Parameter | Details |
f | Description: The response format. The default response format is html. Values: html | json |
gdbVersion | Description: Optional parameter specifying the name of the geodatabase version. The default is Default. Syntax: gdbVersion=<version> |
moment | Description: Optional parameter specifying the session moment. The default is the version's current moment. This should only be specified when you do not want to use the current moment. Syntax: moment=<Epoch time in milliseconds> |
type | Description: Optional parameter that specifies the type of traversal to perform. The default value is unspecified. Values: "unspecified" | "dirtyAreaExpansion" | "firstContainers" | "spatialParents" | "topContainers" | "errorsNotModified" | "modifiedObjects" |
direction | Description: Optional parameter specifying the direction of the association traversal. The default is descending. Values: "ascending" | "descending" |
dirtyStatusFilter | Description: Optional parameter specifying whether to filter based on the dirty status of the association. The default is none. ![]() When dirtyStatusFilter and errorStatusFilter are specified together, the filters are combined using an AND expression. Values: "none" | "dirty" | "notDirty" |
errorStatusFilter | Description: Optional parameter specifying whether to filter associations based on the error code. The default is none. Values: "none" | "inError" | "notInError" |
stopAtFirstSpatial | Description: Optional Boolean parameter specifying whether to stop the traversal of associations from nonspatial object to feature when a spatial feature is encountered. The traversal will stop at the feature and will not traverse to the next nonspatial object. The default is true. Values: true | false |
maxDepth | Description: Optional parameter to control how many hops through the association graph are allowed in either the ascending or descending direction. The default is MAX_INT. Syntax: maxDepth=<integer> |
elements | Description: The feature or object elements for which the association traversal is initiated. Syntax:
JSON Response syntax
"percentAlong": ,
"associationType":"connectivity" | "attachment" | "containment" | "junctionEdgeFromConnectivity" | "junctionMidspanConnectivity" | "junctionEdgeToConnectivity",
“success” : ,
“error” : { // only if success is false
“extendedCode” : ,
“message” : ,
“details” : [ ]
Example usage
Request URL and parameters:
"associations": [
"globalId": "{FC70F615-60E2-4898-B65C-CF3BB0C6A933}",
"fromNetworkSourceId": 4,
"fromGlobalId": "{38429E9F-E585-4B20-BBD6-A7111E45C3AD}",
"fromTerminalId": -1,
"toNetworkSourceId": 16,
"toGlobalId": "{0C75A4A0-7FCD-4078-90F3-9E1B124DD564}",
"toTerminalId": -1,
"associationType": "containment",
"status": 0,
"errorCode": 0,
"errorMessage": "",
"isContentVisible": true
"globalId": "{ABE73E74-B107-4527-967E-9283E5E12784}",
"fromNetworkSourceId": 4,
"fromGlobalId": "{B7E78E04-0E67-4287-88AE-08A4D135FA67}",
"fromTerminalId": -1,
"toNetworkSourceId": 19,
"toGlobalId": "{AE323515-8E6F-4CC2-B9A8-1DB963E769AB}",
"toTerminalId": -1,
"associationType": "containment",
"status": 0,
"errorCode": 0,
"errorMessage": "",
"isContentVisible": true
"globalId": "{EB0D71A6-7F4C-4521-A111-70B493141264}",
"fromNetworkSourceId": 16,
"fromGlobalId": "{0C75A4A0-7FCD-4078-90F3-9E1B124DD564}",
"fromTerminalId": 1,
"toNetworkSourceId": 19,
"toGlobalId": "{AE323515-8E6F-4CC2-B9A8-1DB963E769AB}",
"toTerminalId": 1,
"associationType": "connectivity",
"status": 0,
"errorCode": 0,
"errorMessage": "",
"isContentVisible": true
"objects": [
"sourceId": 16,
"globalId": "{0C75A4A0-7FCD-4078-90F3-9E1B124DD564}"
"sourceId": 4,
"globalId": "{AE323515-8E6F-4CC2-B9A8-1DB963E769AB}"
"sourceId": 4,
"globalId": "{B7E78E04-0E67-4287-88AE-08A4D135FA67}"
"sourceId": 4,
"globalId": "{38429E9F-E585-4B20-BBD6-A7111E45C3AD}"
"success": true