- URL:https://<topographicProductionServer-url>/products/<productName>
- Version Introduced:10.9

The use of this resource requires an ArcGIS GIS Server Advanced license and a Production Mapping or Defense Mapping server extension license.
The product operation retrieves a single product from the products that a Topographic Production Service resource supports.
Request parameters
Parameter | Details |
f (Required) | Specifies the response format. Values: json | html |
includeDef (Optional) | Specifies whether the full json definition of the map product is included. Values: true | false |
Example usage
The following URL queries the product REST resource:
JSON Response syntax
The following is the syntax of a response:
"name": <name of product>,
"description": <description of map product>,
"gridType": <type of grid>,
"sheetIDField": <ID of the sheet>,
"productVersions": [
"name": <name of the product version>,
"template": <name of template>
"enabled": true | false,
"raster": <URL of raster layer>,
"ancillaryLayers": [
"layer": <URL of the ancillary layer>,
"featureClass": <name of the feature class to extract to>,
"map": <name of the map the layer should be added to>,
"layerIndex": <index where the layer should be inserted in the map>
"layer": <URL of the ancillary layer>,
"featureClass": <name of the feature class to extract to>,
"map": <name of the map the layer should be added to>,
"layerIndex": <index where the layer should be inserted in the map>
"lastModified": <date and UTC time of last modification in ISO 8601 format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ>
JSON Response example
The following is an example of a response:
"name": "MTM50",
"description": "MTM50 Map Product",
"gridType": "TM50",
"sheetIDField": "NRN",
"productVersions": [
"name": "TRD_4_5",
"template": "MTM50_Layout.pagx"
"enabled": "True",
"raster": "",
"ancillaryLayers": [
"layer": "",
"featureClass": "AuxPoints",
"map": "BaseMap",
"layerIndex": 5
"layer": "",
"featureClass": "AuxLines",
"map": "BaseMap",
"layerIndex": 6
"layer": "",
"featureClass": "AuxPolygons",
"map": "ElevationGuide",
"layerIndex": 0
"lastModified": "2020-08-11T20:26:58Z"
JSON Response example
The following is an example of an error response:
"error": {
"code": -2147211775,
"message": "Product name not found.",
"details": [