Update Product
- URL:https://<topographicProductionServer-url>/updateProduct
- Related Resources:Add Product, Generate Product, Remove Product
- Version Introduced:10.9

The use of this resource requires an ArcGIS GIS Server Advanced license and a Production Mapping or Defense Mapping server extension license.
The updateProduct operation updates properties of a product.
Request parameters
Parameter | Details |
productName (Required) | The name of the product. |
description (Optional) | The new description for the product. |
enabled (Optional) | Enables or disables the product. If a product is disabled, the generateProduct operation returns an error for that product. |
sheetIDField (Optional) | Updates the sheet ID field. |
raster (Optional) | The path to a raster on disk (server path) or the URL of an image service. |
productVersions (Optional) | The json object indicating the type of operation and the versions. There are two formats. If the operation is add or update, the format is as follows:
If the operation is remove, the format is as follows:
ancillaryLayers (Optional) | The json object indicating the type of operation and layers. There are two formats. If the operation is an add or update, the format is as follows:
If the operation is remove, the format is as follows:
Example usage
The following URL queries the products in the Topographic Production Service resource by productName and updates it:
JSON Response syntax
The following is the syntax of a response:
"productName": <productName>,
"success": <true | false>
JSON Response example
The following is an example of a response that a product's properties were successfully updated:
"productName": "MTM50",
"success": true
JSON Response example
The following is an example of an error response:
"error": {
"code": -2147211775,
"message": "Product name not found.",
"details": [