Update Product



The use of this resource requires an ArcGIS GIS Server Advanced license and a Production Mapping or Defense Mapping server extension license.

The updateProduct operation updates properties of a product.

Request parameters





The name of the product.



The new description for the product.



Enables or disables the product. If a product is disabled, the generateProduct operation returns an error for that product.



Updates the sheet ID field.



The path to a raster on disk (server path) or the URL of an image service.



The json object indicating the type of operation and the versions. There are two formats.

If the operation is add or update, the format is as follows:

  "operation": "<add | update>",
  "versions": [
        "name":"<name of version>",
        "template": "<name of template>"

If the operation is remove, the format is as follows:

  "operation": "remove",
  "versions": [
        "<name of version 1>",
        "<name of version 2>",



The json object indicating the type of operation and layers. There are two formats.

If the operation is an add or update, the format is as follows:

  "operation" : "<add | update>",
  "layers": [
     "layer": "<url of layer>",
     "featureClass": "<name of feature class to extract to>",
     "map": "<name of map layer will be inserted into>",
     "layerIndex": "<insertion index of layer>"

If the operation is remove, the format is as follows:

  "operation" : "remove",
  "layers": [
     "layer": "<url of layer>"

Example usage

The following URL queries the products in the Topographic Production Service resource by productName and updates it:


JSON Response syntax

The following is the syntax of a response:

 "productName": <productName>,
 "success": <true | false>

JSON Response example

The following is an example of a response that a product's properties were successfully updated:

 "productName": "MTM50",
 "success": true

JSON Response example

The following is an example of an error response:

 "error": {
  "code": -2147211775,
  "message": "Product name not found.",
  "details": [