Train Deep Learning Model
- URL:https://<rasteranalysistools-url>/TrainDeepLearningModel
- Related Resources: Add Image, Aggregate Multidimensional Raster, Build Multidimensional Transpose, Calculate Density, Calculate Distance, Calculate Travel Cost, Classify, Classify Object Using Deep Learning, Classify Pixels Using Deep Learning, Convert Feature to Raster, Convert Raster Function Template, Convert Raster to Feature, Copy Raster, Cost Path as Polyline, Create Image Collection, Create Viewshed, Delete Image, Delete Image Collection, Detect Objects Using Deep Learning, Determine Optimum Travel Cost Network, Determine Travel Cost Paths to Destinations, Determine Travel Cost Path as Polyline, Export Training Data for Deep Learning, Fill, Find Argument Statistics, Flow Accumulation, Flow Direction, Flow Distance, Generate Multidimensional Anomaly, Generate Raster, Generate Trend Raster, Install Deep Learning Model, Interpolate Points, Linear Spectral Unmixing, List Deep Learning Model Info, Nibble, Predict Using Trend Raster, Publish Deep Learning Model, Query Deep Learning Model Info, Segment, Stream Link, Subset Multidimensional Raster, Summarize Raster Within, Train Classifier, Train Deep Learning Model,Uninstall Deep Learning Model, Watershed
- Version Introduced:10.8
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The TrainDeepLearningModel task is used to train a deep learning model using the output from the ExportTrainingDataforDeepLearning operation. It generates the deep learning model package (*.dlpk) and adds it to your enterprise portal. The tool also provides an option to write the deep learning model package to a file share data store location.

Request parameters
Parameter | Details |
in_folder (Required) | This is the input location for the training sample data. It can be the path of the output location on the file share raster data store or a shared file system path. The training sample data folder must be the output from the ExportTrainingDataforDeepLearning operation, containing image and label folders, as well as the JSON model definition file written by the tool. File share raster store path examples: Examples
output_name (Required) | This is the output location for the trained deep learning model package (.dlpk). It can be a JSON object representing the output .dlpk name that will be added as a portal item or a string of the folder path in the file share data store. The file share data store must be registered on your server. Example:
model_type (Required) | The model type to use for training the deep learning model. This parameter supports model types for image translation, object classification, object detection, object tracker, and pixel classification. The model types that are supported for each type of processing and the supported values for this parameter are listed below. Image translation values: PIX2PIX | CYCLEGAN | SUPERRESOLUTION | IMAGECAPTIONER | PIX2PIXHD Object classification values: FEATURE_CLASSIFIER Object detection values: SSD | RETINANET | MASKRCNN | YOLOV3 | FASTERRCNN | MMDETECTION | DETREG Object tracker values: SIAMMASK | DEEPSORT Panoptic segmentation values: MAXDEEPLAB Pixel classification values: UNET | PSPNET | DEEPLAB | BDCN_EDGEDETECTOR | HED_EDGEDETECTOR | MULTITASK_ROADEXTRACTOR | CONNECTNET | CHANGEDETECTOR | MMSEGMENTATION |
arguments (Optional) | This is where you list additional deep learning parameters and arguments for experiments and refinement, such as a confidence threshold for adjusting sensitivity. The names of the arguments are populated from reading the Python module. When you set model_type to SSD, the following arguments will be used:
When you set model_type to any of the pixel classification models (PSPNET, UNET, or DEEPLAB), the following arguments will be used:
When you set model_type to RETINANET, the following arguments will be used:
All model types support the chip_size argument, which is the chip size of the tiles in the training samples. The image chip size is extracted from the .emd file in the input folder. Syntax: The value pairs of arguments and their values. Example
batch_size (Optional) | The number of training samples to be processed for training at one time. If the server has a powerful GPU, this number can be increased to 16, 36, 64, and so on. Example
max_epochs (Optional) | The maximum number of epochs for training the model. One epoch means the whole training dataset will be passed forward and backward through the deep neural network once. Example
learning_rate (Optional) | The rate at which the weights are updated during the training. It is a small positive value in the range between 0.0 and 1.0. If the learning rate is set to 0, it will extract the optimal learning rate from the learning curve during the training process. Example
backbone_model (Optional) | Specifies the preconfigured neural network to be used as an architecture for training the new model. See the descriptions of the backbone models below. Values: DARKNET53 | DENSENET121 | DENSENET161 | DENSENET169 | DENSENET201 | MOBILENET_V2| RESNET18 | RESNET34 | RESNET50 | RESNET101 | RESNET152 | VGG11 | VGG11_BN | VGG13 | VGG13_BN | VGG16 | VGG16_BN | VGG19 | VGG19_BN Example
validation_percent (Optional) | The percentage of training sample data that will be used for validating the model. Example
pretrained_model (Optional) | The pretrained model to be used for fine-tuning the new model. It is a .dlpk portal item. Example
stop_training (Optional) | Specifies whether early stopping will be implemented. If true, the model training will stop when the model is no longer improving, regardless of the maximum epochs specified. This is the default. If false, the model training will continue until the maximum epochs is reached. Values: true | false |
overwriteModel (Optional) | Overwrites an existing deep learning model package (.dlpk) portal item with the same name. If the output_name parameter uses the file share data store path, the overwriteModel parameter is not applied.
context (Optional) | Environment settings that affect task execution. This parameter has the following settings:
freeze_Model | Specifies whether the backbone layers in the pretrained model will be frozen so that the weights and biases in the backbone layers remain unaltered. If true, the predefined weights and biases will not be altered in the backboneModel. This is the default. If false, the weights and biases of the backboneModel may be altered to better fit the training samples. This may take more time to process but typically produces better results. Values: true | false |
f | The response format. The default response format is html. Values: html | json | pjson |
Backbone model values
The accepted preconfigured neural network values that can be submitted with the backbone_model parameter are described below.
Value | Description |
DARKNET53 | The preconfigured model will be a convolutional neural network trained on the ImageNet dataset that contains more than 1 million images and is 53 layers deep. |
DENSENET121 | The preconfigured model will be a dense network trained on the ImageNet dataset that contains more than 1 million images and is 121 layers deep. Unlike RESNET, which combines the layer using summation, DenseNet combines the layers using concatenation. |
DENSENET161 | The preconfigured model will be a dense network trained on the ImageNet dataset that contains more than 1 million images and is 161 layers deep. Unlike RESNET, which combines the layer using summation, DenseNet combines the layers using concatenation. |
DENSENET169 | The preconfigured model will be a dense network trained on the ImageNet dataset that contains more than 1 million images and is 169 layers deep. Unlike RESNET, which combines the layer using summation, DenseNet combines the layers using concatenation. |
DENSENET201 | The preconfigured model will be a dense network trained on the ImageNet dataset that contains more than 1 million images and is 201 layers deep. Unlike RESNET, which combines the layer using summation, DenseNet combines the layers using concatenation. |
MOBILENET_V2 | The preconfigured model is trained on the ImageNet database and is 54 layers deep geared toward Edge device computing, since it uses less memory. |
RESNET18 | The preconfigured model will be a residual network trained on the ImageNet dataset that contains more than 1 million images and is 18 layers deep. |
RESNET34 | The preconfigured model will be a residual network trained on the ImageNet dataset that contains more than 1 million images and is 34 layers deep. This is the default. |
RESNET50 | The preconfigured model will be a residual network trained on the ImageNet dataset that contains more than 1 million images and is 50 layers deep. |
RESNET101 | The preconfigured model will be a residual network trained on the ImageNet dataset that contains more than 1 million images and is 101 layers deep. |
RESNET152 | The preconfigured model will be a residual network trained on the ImageNet dataset that contains more than 1 million images and is 152 layers deep. |
VGG11 | The preconfigured model will be a convolution neural network trained on the ImageNet dataset that contains more than 1 million images to classify images into 1,000 object categories and is 11 layers deep. |
VGG11_BN | The preconfigured model is based on the VGG network but with batch normalization, which normalizes each layer in the network. It trained on the ImageNet dataset and has 11 layers. |
VGG13 | The preconfigured model will be a convolution neural network trained on the ImageNet dataset that contains more than 1 million images to classify images into 1,000 object categories and is 13 layers deep. |
VGG13_BN | The preconfigured model is based on the VGG network but with batch normalization, which normalizes each layer in the network. It trained on the ImageNet dataset and has 13 layers. |
VGG16 | The preconfigured model will be a convolution neural network trained on the ImageNet dataset that contains more than 1 million images to classify images into 1,000 object categories and is 16 layers deep. |
VGG16_BN | The preconfigured model is based on the VGG network but with batch normalization, which normalizes each layer in the network. It trained on the ImageNet dataset and has 16 layers. |
VGG19 | The preconfigured model will be a convolution neural network trained on the ImageNet dataset that contains more than 1 million images to classify images into 1,000 object categories and is 19 layers deep. |
VGG19_BN | The preconfigured model is based on the VGG network but with batch normalization, which normalizes each layer in the network. It trained on the ImageNet dataset and has 19 layers. |
Example usage
The following is a sample request URL for TrainDeepLearningModel:
When you submit a request, the task assigns a unique job ID for the transaction.
{ "jobId": "<unique job identifier>", "jobStatus": "<job status>" }
After the initial request is submitted, you can use the jobId to periodically check the status of the job and messages, as described in Check job status. Once the job has successfully completed, use the jobId to retrieve the results. To track the status, you can make a request of the following form:
When the status of the job request is esriJobSucceeded, you can access the results of the analysis by making a request of the following form:
JSON Response example
The response returns the .dlpk portal item, which has properties for title, type, filename, file, id, and folderId.
"title": "dlpk_name",
"type": "Deep Learning Package",
"multipart": True,
"tags": "imagery"
"typeKeywords": "Deep Learning, Raster"
"filename": "dlpk_name",
"file": "\\servername\rasterstore\mytrainedmodel.dlpk",
"id": "f121390b85ef419790479fc75b493efd",
"folderId": "dfwerfbd3ec25584d0d8f4"
However, if a data store path is specified as the value for output_name, the output will be the data store location.
"paramName": "out_item",
"dataType": "GPString",
"value": {"uri": "/fileShares/yourFileShareFolderName/trainedModel/trainedModel.dlpk"}"value": {"uri": "/fileShares/yourFileShareFolderName/trainedModel/trainedModel.dlpk"}