Copy lines to parcel type
- URL:https://<parcelfabricservice-url>/copyLinesToParcelType
- Required Capability:ArcGIS Parcel Fabric
- Version Introduced:10.8
Copies selected lines or the lines of selected parcels to the specified parcel type and specified record. Use copyLinesToParcelType to construct new, child parcels based on parent parcel lines. If the copied lines form closed loops, parcel seeds will automatically be created for the loops. Copied lines can be edited (insert, delete, update) before building parcels.
If the parcel type of the new parcels is the same as the copied lines, parcel history will be tracked.
Request parameters
Parameter | Details |
gdbVersion | Parameter specifying the name of the geodatabase version (the default is the DEFAULT version). Syntax
sessionId | Parameter representing the token (guid) used to lock the version. If the calling client is editing a named version, the session ID is required. If the specified version is currently locked by any other session, the request will fail if the session ID is not provided or does not match the session ID that holds the exclusive lock. If the client is editing the default version, the session ID is not required. Syntax
parentParcels (Required) | Parameter list representing the parent parcels from which to copy the lines. Syntax
record (Required) | Parameter representing the unique identifier (guid) of the record. Copied lines will be associated to the specified record. Syntax
markParentAsHistoric (Required) | Parameter representing whether to retire parent parcels as historic when lines are copied. Syntax
useSourceLineAttributes (Required) | Parameter representing whether to preserve and transfer the attributes of the original lines to the copied lines. Syntax
useSourcePolygonAttributes (Required) | Required parameter representing whether to preserve and transfer attributes of the parent parcels to the generated seeds. Syntax
targetParcelType (Required) | Parameter representing the target parcel type. Syntax
targetParcelSubtype (Optional) | Parameter representing the target parcel subtype. Syntax
attributeOverrides (Required) | Parameter representing attributes to be set on the copied parcel lines. Syntax
When no attributes are set
f | Representing the output format of the response. The default response format is html. Values: html | json |
Example usage
This example shows the steps for copying lines from a tax parcel to a specified record using the copyLinesToParcelType operation.

- Start a service session on the version.
Request URL and parameters: f=json sessionId={0BD2FFC2-8B4D-4F3E-B497-0CD1E166D259}
- Start an edit session on the version.
Request URL and parameters: f=json sessionId={0BD2FFC2-8B4D-4F3E-B497-0CD1E166D259}
- Copy lines from a selected tax parcel to the specified record. Do not change the parcel type and retire the original parcel as historic.
Request URL and parameters: f=json gdbVersion=admin.Version1 sessionId={0BD2FFC2-8B4D-4F3E-B497-0CD1E166D259} parentParcels=[{"id":"{9887AFF5-1B86-42B4-8D2F-9CD45796362B}","layerId":"16"}] record={67D9858E-B4D8-4C12-84C9-685EBA04B741} useSourceLineAttributes=true useSourcePolygonAttributes=true targetParcelType=16 attributeOverrides={"type":"PropertySet","propertySetItems":[]}
- If edits are complete, stop the edit session.
- Stop and release the service session.
JSON Response syntax
"exceededTransferLimit": <true | false>,
"moment": <datetime>,
"error": { // only if success is false
"extendedCode": <HRESULT>,
"message": <error message>,
"details": [<detail>]
"serviceEdits": { // only if transfer limit is not exceeded
"editedFeatures": {
"updates": {
"attributes": {},
"geometry": {}
"adds": {
"attributes": {},
"geometry": {}
"spatialReference": {<spatial reference>}
"id": <layerID>}
"success": <true | false>
JSON Response example
"moment": 1570214271337,
"exceededTransferLimit": false,
"serviceEdits": [
"id": 2,
"editedFeatures": {
"spatialReference": {
"wkt": "PROJCS[\"User_Defined_Transverse_Mercator\",GEOGCS[\"GCS_User_Defined\",DATUM[\"D_User_Defined\",SPHEROID[\"User_Defined_Spheroid\",6378285.48,298.2641653866821]],PRIMEM[\"Greenwich\",0.0],UNIT
"xyTolerance": 0.0032808333333333331,
"zTolerance": 0.001,
"mTolerance": 0.001,
"falseX": -18187000,
"falseY": -48539200,
"xyUnits": 3048.00609601219276,
"falseZ": -100000,
"zUnits": 10000,
"falseM": -100000,
"mUnits": 10000
"adds": [
"attributes": {
"ObjectID": 128541,
"IsRetired": 1,
"Shape__Area": 17475.9162143341237,
"Shape__Length": 529.171513833105564
"geometry": {
"rings": [
[210323.412628661841, 171340.338895075023],
[210323.412628661841, 171477.680483907461],
[210450.656796745956, 171477.680483907461],
[210450.656796745956, 171340.338895075023],
[210323.412628661841, 171340.338895075023]
"attributes": {
"ObjectID": 128542,
"IsRetired": 1,
"Shape__Area": 17475.9162143341237,
"Shape__Length": 529.171513833105564
"geometry": {
"rings": [
[210323.412628661841, 171340.338895075023],
[210323.412628661841, 171477.680483907461],
[210450.656796745956, 171477.680483907461],
[210450.656796745956, 171340.338895075023],
[210323.412628661841, 171340.338895075023]
"attributes": {
"ObjectID": 128543,
"IsRetired": 1,
"Shape__Area": 270.169233684910864,
"Shape__Length": 75.9565410017967224
"geometry": {}
"attributes" {}
"id": 1,
"editedFeatures": {
"spatialReference": {
"wkt": "PROJCS[\"User_Defined_Transverse_Mercator\",GEOGCS[\"GCS_User_Defined\",DATUM[\"D_User_Defined\",SPHEROID[\"User_Defined_Spheroid\",6378285.48,298.2641653866821]],PRIMEM[\"Greenwich\",0.0],UNIT
"xyTolerance": 0.0032808333333333331,
"zTolerance": 0.001,
"mTolerance": 0.001,
"falseX": -18187000,
"falseY": -48539200,
"xyUnits": 3048.00609601219276,
"falseZ": -100000,
"zUnits": 10000,
"falseM": -100000,
"mUnits": 10000
"updates": {...}
"id": 15,
"editedFeatures": {
"spatialReference": {
"wkt": "PROJCS[\"User_Defined_Transverse_Mercator\",GEOGCS[\"GCS_User_Defined\",DATUM[\"D_User_Defined\",SPHEROID[\"User_Defined_Spheroid\",6378285.48,298.2641653866821]],PRIMEM[\"Greenwich\",0.0],UNIT
"xyTolerance": 0.0032808333333333331,
"zTolerance": 0.001,
"mTolerance": 0.001,
"falseX": -18187000,
"falseY": -48539200,
"xyUnits": 3048.00609601219276,
"falseZ": -100000,
"zUnits": 10000,
"falseM": -100000,
"mUnits": 10000
"adds": [
"attributes": {
"objectid": 581811,
"createdbyrecord": "{C25E67BB-5879-4ABB-9BD7-A4E7DCE792AD}",
"retiredbyrecord": null,
"parentlineid": "{1D339967-2AEF-4C65-8B13-BC156D41AD62}",
"direction": 108.36827333,
"distance": null,
"radius": -60.00054585,
"arclength": 30.32192978,
"radius2": null,
"cogotype": null,
"iscogoground": null,
"cogoaccuracy": 6,
"rotation": null,
"scale": null,
"created_user": "admin",
"create_date": 1570214271000,
"last_edited_user": "admin",
"last_edited_date": 1570214271000,
"globalid": "{C76B75FF-C75D-41CF-A83F-9C1E5292613A}",
"Shape__Length": 30.3219399666291451
"success": true