Query Diagram Content
- URL:https://<diagram-url >/queryDiagramContent
- Version Introduced:10.7
The queryDiagramContent operation is performed on a diagram resource. It returns the diagram content in a simple format that reflects basic connectivity. Other optional information can also be returned, such as diagram feature geometry, network element attributes with their string descriptions rather than raw values for coded domain values, aggregated elements, and diagram properties.

Request parameters
Parameter | Details |
gdbVersion | Description: The name of the geodatabase version. Syntax: gdbVersion=<version> Example: gdbVersion=ABV1 |
sessionId | Description: The token (guid) used to lock the version. Syntax: sessionId=<guid> Example: sessionId=44G259DE-87B0-407D-8F2E-DCB7665DD0F0 |
moment | Description: The session moment. Syntax: moment=<moment> Example: moment=1490867969324 |
addDiagramInfo | Description: Boolean
Syntax: addDiagramInfo = < true | false > Example: addDiagramInfo = true |
addGeometries | Description: Boolean
Syntax: addGeometries = < true | false > Example: addGeometries = true |
addAttributes | Description: Boolean
Syntax: addAttributes = < true | false > Example: addAttributes = true |
addAggregations | Description: Boolean
Syntax: addAggregations = < true | false > Example: addAggregations = true |
useValueNames | Added in 10.8.1 Description: Boolean For the cases in which the associated network feature attributes or aggregations are exported, that is, addAttributes = true or addAggregations = true, the method to use to export coded domain and subtype values:
Syntax: useValueNames = < true | false > Example: useValueNames = true |
outSR | Description: The spatial reference of the returned geometry. The spatial reference can be specified as either a well-known ID or as a spatial reference JSON object. If outSR is not specified, the geometry is returned in the spatial reference of the map. |
f | Description: The response format. The default response format is html. Values: <html | json> |
Example usage
Return the content of the DiagramTest1 diagram with the geometry of the diagram features:
- URL: https://myserver.esri.com/server/rest/services/Naperville/NetworkDiagramServer/diagrams/DiagramTest1/queryDiagramContent
- Parameters
gdbVersion=ABV1 sessionId= moment= addDiagramInfo= addGeometries=true addAttributes= addAggregations= useValueNames= outSR= f=pjson
- Sent URL (GET): https://myserver.esri.com/server/rest/services/Naperville/NetworkDiagramServer/diagrams/DiagramTest1/queryDiagramContent?gdbVersion=ABV1&sessionId=&moment=&addDiagramInfo=&addGeometries=true&addAttributes=&addAggregations=&useValueNames=&outSR=&f=pjson
JSON Response syntax
"diagram": "< diagramName >",
"spatialRef": {
"wkid": < wkid >,
"latestWkid": < latestwkid >
"sourceMapping": {
"sourceAlias1": < sourceID1 >,
"sourceAliasN": < sourceIDN >,
"diagramInfo": {
"template": "< templateName >",
"tag": "< diagUserTag >",
"creator": "< diagCreator >",
"creationDate": < diagCreationDate >,
"lastUpdateBy": "< diagLastUpdater >",
"lastUpdateDate": < lastUpdateDate >,
"junctionCount": < nbDiagJct >,
"edgeCount": < ndDiagEdge >,
"containerCount": < ndDiagCont >,
"aggregationCount": < ndDiagAgg >,
"diagramExtent": < envelope >,
"networkExtent": < envelope >
"containers": [
"id": < diagContainerID1 >,
"containerID": < diagContainerID1_ContainerID >,
"assocSourceID": < diagContainerID1_assUNSourceID >,
"assocGlobalID": "< diagContainerID1_assUNfeatureGUID >",
"userType": < diagContainerID1_userType >,
"geometry": < diagramContainerID1_geometry >,
"attributes": {
"Attribute1_Name": < Attribute1_Value >,
"AttributeT_Name": < AttributeT_Value >,
"aggregations": [
"sourceID": < aggregatedSourceID_1 >,
"globalID": "< aggregatedGlobalID_1 >",
"assetGroup": < aggregatedAssetGroup_1 >,
"assetType": < aggregatedAssetType_1 >
"sourceID": < aggregatedSourceID_k >,
"globalID": "< aggregatedGlobalID_k >",
"assetGroup": < aggregatedAssetGroup_k >,
"assetType": < aggregatedAssetType_k >
"id": < diagContainerIDN >,
"containerID": < diagContainerIDN_ContainerID >,
"assocSourceID": < diagContainerIDN_assUNSourceID >,
"assocGlobalID": "< diagContainerIDN_assUNfeatureGUID >",
"userType": < diagContainerIDN_userType >,
"geometry": < diagramContainerIDN_geometry >,
"attributes": {
"Attribute1_Name": < Attribute1_Value >,
"AttributeZ_Name": < AttributeZ_Value >,
"aggregations": [
"sourceID": < aggregatedSourceID_1 >,
"globalID": "< aggregatedGlobalID_1 >",
"assetGroup": < aggregatedAssetGroup_1 >,
"assetType": < aggregatedAssetType_1 >
"sourceID": < aggregatedSourceID_k >,
"globalID": "< aggregatedGlobalID_k >",
"assetGroup": < aggregatedAssetGroup_k >,
"assetType": < aggregatedAssetType_k >
"junctions": [
"id": < diagJunctionID1 >,
"containerID": < diagJunctionID1_ContainerID >,
"assocSourceID": < diagJunctionID1_assUNSourceID >,
"assocGlobalID": "< diagJunctionID1_assUNfeatureGUID >",
"userType": < diagJunctionID1_userType >,
"geometry": < diagramJunctionID1_geometry >,
"attributes": {
"Attribute1_Name": < Attribute1_Value >,
"AttributeM_Name": < AttributeM_Value >,
"aggregations": [
"sourceID": < aggregatedSourceID_1 >,
"globalID": "< aggregatedGlobalID_1 >"
"assetGroup": < aggregatedAssetGroup_1 >,
"assetType": < aggregatedAssetType_1 >
"sourceID": < aggregatedSourceID_m >,
"globalID": "< aggregatedGlobalID_m >",
"assetGroup": < aggregatedAssetGroup_m >,
"assetType": < aggregatedAssetType_m >
"id": < diagJunctionIDL >,
"containerID": < diagJunctionIDL_ContainerID >,
"assocSourceID": < diagJunctionIDL_assUNSourceID >,
"assocGlobalID": "< diagJunctionIDL_assUNfeatureGUID >",
"userType": < diagJunctionIDL_userType >,
"geometry": < diagramJunctionIDL_geometry >,
"attributes": {
"Attribute1_Name": < Attribute1_Value >,
"AttributeP_Name": < AttributeP_Value >,
"aggregations": [
"sourceID": < aggregatedSourceID_1 >,
"globalID": "< aggregatedGlobalID_1 >",
"assetGroup": < aggregatedAssetGroup_1 >,
"assetType": < aggregatedAssetType_1 >
"sourceID": < aggregatedSourceID_n >,
"globalID": "< aggregatedGlobalID_n >",
"assetGroup": < aggregatedAssetGroup_n >,
"assetType": < aggregatedAssetType_n >
"edges": [
"id": < diagEdgeID1 >,
"containerID": < diagEdgeID1_ContainerID >,
"assocSourceID": < diagEdgeID1_assUNSourceID >,
"assocGlobalID": "< diagEdgeID1_assUNfeatureGUID >",
"userType": < diagJEdgeID1_userType >,
"fromID": < diagEdgeID1_fromJunctionID >,
"toID": < diagEdgeID1_toJunctionID >,
"geometry": < diagramEdgeID1_geometry >,
"attributes": {
"Attribute1_Name": < Attribute1_Value >,
"AttributeQ_Name": < AttributeQ_Value >,
"aggregations": [
"sourceID": < aggregatedSourceID_1 >,
"globalID": "< aggregatedGlobalID_1 >",
"assetGroup": < aggregatedAssetGroup_1 >,
"assetType": < aggregatedAssetType_1 >
"sourceID": < aggregatedSourceID_o >,
"globalID": "< aggregatedGlobalID_o >",
"assetGroup": < aggregatedAssetGroup_o >,
"assetType": < aggregatedAssetType_o >
"id": < diagEdgeIDW >,
"containerID": < diagEdgeIDW_ContainerID >,
"assocSourceID": < diagEdgeIDW_assUNSourceID >,
"assocGlobalID": "< diagEdgeIDW_assUNfeatureGUID >",
"userType": < diagJEdgeIDW_userType >,
"fromID": < diagEdgeIDW_fromJunctionID >,
"toID": < diagEdgeIDW_toJunctionID >,
"geometry": < diagramEdgeIDW_geometry >,
"attributes": {
"Attribute1_Name": < Attribute1_Value >,
"AttributeR_Name": < AttributeR_Value >,
"aggregations": [
"sourceID": < aggregatedSourceID_1 >,
"globalID": "< aggregatedGlobalID_1 >",
"assetGroup": < aggregatedAssetGroup_1 >,
"assetType": < aggregatedAssetType_1 >
"sourceID": < aggregatedSourceID_p >,
"globalID": "< aggregatedGlobalID_p >",
"assetGroup": < aggregatedAssetGroup_p >,
"assetType": < aggregatedAssetType_p >
JSON Response example
DiagramTest1 content diagram full response; that is, JSON response for https://myserver.esri.com/server/rest/services/Naperville/NetworkDiagramServer/diagrams/DiagramTest1/queryDiagramContent?gdbVersion=ABV1&sessionId=&moment=&addDiagramInfo=true&addGeometries=true&addAttributes=true&addAggregations=true&useValueNames=true&f=pjson
"diagram": "DiagramTest1",
"spatialRef": {
"wkid": 102671,
"latestWkid": 3435,
"vcsWkid": 105703,
"latestVcsWkid": 6360
"sourceMapping": {
"Electric Device": 9,
"Electric Line": 10,
"Associations": 1,
"Electric Junction": 12,
"Electric Assembly": 11
"diagramInfo": {
"template": "CollapseContainers",
"tag": "",
"creator": "onhi5829",
"creationDate": 1582547624000,
"lastUpdateBy": "onhi5829",
"lastUpdateDate": 1582547624000,
"junctionCount": 3,
"edgeCount": 2,
"containerCount": 0,
"aggregationCount": 4,
"diagramExtent": {
"xmin": 1035467.5633987598,
"ymin": 1871113.8155431182,
"xmax": 1035592.2540942654,
"ymax": 1871114.4717097848
"networkExtent": {
"xmin": 1035509.1269639283,
"ymin": 1871107.9166047797,
"xmax": 1035550.6905290969,
"ymax": 1871120.3709761947
"containers": [
"junctions": [
"id": 2,
"containerID": 0,
"assocSourceID": 12,
"assocGlobalID": "{32E5A9CD-2420-48E8-80A6-CB86F91CD308}",
"userType": 0,
"geometry": {
"x": 1035529.90874651074,
"y": 1871114.14362645149,
"z": 0,
"m": null,
"spatialReference": {
"wkid": 102671,
"latestWkid": 3435,
"vcsWkid": 105703,
"latestVcsWkid": 6360
"attributes": {
"Object ID": 4130,
"Asset group": "Medium Voltage Line End",
"Asset type": "Underground Terminator",
"Association status": "Connectivity",
"Is connected": "True",
"Creation date": 1576740578000,
"Creator": "MAP",
"Last update": 1576741012000,
"Updated by": "MAP",
"Global ID": "{32E5A9CD-2420-48E8-80A6-CB86F91CD308}",
"Subnetwork name": "RMT004",
"assetid: Asset Identifier": "22",
"nominalvoltage: Nominal Operation Voltage (L-L)": "19.92 kV",
"maxvoltage: Maximum Operating Voltage (L-L)": "Unknown",
"nominalvoltagelg: Nominal Operation Voltage (L-G)": 34500,
"phasesnormal: Phases Normal": "ABC",
"phasescurrent: User Assigned Phases": null,
"phasessummer: Summer Configuration Phases": "ABC",
"phaseswinter: Winter Configuration Phases": "ABC",
"phasesplan: Planned Phases": "ABC",
"phasesenergized: Phases Propagated": "ABC",
"phasessubstituted: Phases Substituted": null,
"phasefrequency: Phase Frequency": null,
"numphasesconstructed: Number of phases built": "Unknown",
"lifecyclestatus: Lifecycle Status": "In Service",
"installdate: Date Installed": null,
"retireddate: Date Retired": null,
"inservicedate: In Service Date": null,
"Equipment Maker": null,
"spatialsource: Spatial Source": "Unknown",
"spatialconfidence: Spatial Confidence": "Unknown",
"grounding: System Grounding": null,
"notes: General Notes": null,
"symbolrotation: Symbol Rotation": 0,
"maintby: Maintained by": "Our Agency",
"ownedby: Owned by": null
"aggregations": [
"id": 1,
"containerID": 0,
"assocSourceID": 11,
"assocGlobalID": "{CAF89708-2639-4C70-AF83-80205A00FB20}",
"userType": 0,
"geometry": {
"x": 1035550.69052909687,
"y": 1871114.14362645149,
"z": 0,
"m": null,
"spatialReference": {
"wkid": 102671,
"latestWkid": 3435,
"vcsWkid": 105703,
"latestVcsWkid": 6360
"attributes": {
"Object ID": 1318,
"Asset group": "Medium Voltage Transformer Bank",
"Asset type": "Pad Mounted Single Phase",
"Association status": "Attachment and Container",
"Creation date": 1576740654000,
"Creator": "MAP",
"Last update": 1576741026000,
"Updated by": "MAP",
"Global ID": "{CAF89708-2639-4C70-AF83-80205A00FB20}",
"Subnetwork name": "RMT004",
"assetid: Asset ID": "896",
"configuration: Load Breaking": null,
"powerunits: Bank Load, Bank Load in kW, Bank kVA, Bank mVA, Maximum Amps, Maximum Breaking Amps, kVAR": null,
"configuration1: Gang Operated, High Side to Low Side Phase Shift, Series or Shunt": null,
"configuration2: High Side to Tertiary Phase Shift, Phase Operable": null,
"maximumboost: Maximum Voltage Boost": null,
"maximumbuck: Maximum Voltage Buck": null,
"devicecount: Number of features in the container": null,
"devicestatus: Bank Status": null,
"ctprimaryratio: Primary CT Ratio": null,
"ptratio: PT Ratio": null,
"ElectricUnits": null,
"ElectricUnits2": null,
"installdate: Date Installed": null,
"retireddate: Date Retired": null,
"inservicedate: In Service Date": null,
"spatialsource: Spatial Source": "Unknown",
"spatialconfidence: Spatial Confidence": "Unknown",
"ownedby: Owner of Equipment": "Our Agency",
"labeltext: Labeling String": null,
"symbolrotation: Symbol Rotation": 0,
"lifecyclestatus: Lifecycle Status": "In Service",
"notes: General Notes": null,
"maintby: Maintained by": "Our Agency"
"aggregations": [
"sourceID": 9,
"globalID": "{3EA1804E-E0F8-414A-BDC6-67F6B1799AAE}",
"Asset group": "Medium Voltage Transformer",
"Asset type": "Pad Mounted Single Phase"
"id": 3,
"containerID": 0,
"assocSourceID": 11,
"assocGlobalID": "{1512FE96-3780-4B44-8E63-0FC175A23D8B}",
"userType": 0,
"geometry": {
"x": 1035509.12696392834,
"y": 1871114.14362645149,
"z": 0,
"m": null,
"spatialReference": {
"wkid": 102671,
"latestWkid": 3435,
"vcsWkid": 105703,
"latestVcsWkid": 6360
"attributes": {
"Object ID": 248,
"Asset group": "Medium Voltage Fuse Bank",
"Asset type": "Pad Mounted Disconnect",
"Association status": "Container",
"Creation date": 1576740636000,
"Creator": "MAP",
"Last update": 1576741096000,
"Updated by": "MAP",
"Global ID": "{1512FE96-3780-4B44-8E63-0FC175A23D8B}",
"Subnetwork name": "RMT004",
"assetid: Asset ID": "176",
"configuration: Load Breaking": null,
"powerunits: Bank Load, Bank Load in kW, Bank kVA, Bank mVA, Maximum Amps, Maximum Breaking Amps, kVAR": null,
"configuration1: Gang Operated, High Side to Low Side Phase Shift, Series or Shunt": null,
"configuration2: High Side to Tertiary Phase Shift, Phase Operable": null,
"maximumboost: Maximum Voltage Boost": null,
"maximumbuck: Maximum Voltage Buck": null,
"devicecount: Number of features in the container": null,
"devicestatus: Bank Status": null,
"ctprimaryratio: Primary CT Ratio": null,
"ptratio: PT Ratio": null,
"ElectricUnits": null,
"ElectricUnits2": null,
"installdate: Date Installed": null,
"retireddate: Date Retired": null,
"inservicedate: In Service Date": null,
"spatialsource: Spatial Source": "Unknown",
"spatialconfidence: Spatial Confidence": "Unknown",
"ownedby: Owner of Equipment": "Our Agency",
"labeltext: Labeling String": null,
"symbolrotation: Symbol Rotation": 0,
"lifecyclestatus: Lifecycle Status": "In Service",
"notes: General Notes": null,
"maintby: Maintained by": "Our Agency"
"aggregations": [
"sourceID": 9,
"globalID": "{EBFC04E6-7DD3-4A96-AB2C-3B2B2161C671}",
"Asset group": "Medium Voltage Fuse",
"Asset type": "Underground Fuse Disconnect"
"edges": [
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"containerID": 0,
"assocSourceID": 0,
"assocGlobalID": "{51E764EB-0F1B-4BF1-B5E9-27DF5B827991}",
"userType": 3,
"fromID": 1,
"toID": 2,
"geometry": {
"hasZ": true,
"hasM": true,
"paths": [
"spatialReference": {
"wkid": 102671,
"latestWkid": 3435,
"vcsWkid": 105703,
"latestVcsWkid": 6360
"attributes": {
"aggregations": [
"sourceID": 1,
"globalID": "{51E764EB-0F1B-4BF1-B5E9-27DF5B827991}"
"id": 5,
"containerID": 0,
"assocSourceID": 0,
"assocGlobalID": "{C963CA88-EF01-4C81-963E-048B822A2B2D}",
"userType": 3,
"fromID": 3,
"toID": 2,
"geometry": {
"hasZ": true,
"hasM": true,
"paths": [
"spatialReference": {
"wkid": 102671,
"latestWkid": 3435,
"vcsWkid": 105703,
"latestVcsWkid": 6360
"attributes": {
"aggregations": [
"sourceID": 10,
"globalID": "{C963CA88-EF01-4C81-963E-048B822A2B2D}",
"Asset group": "Medium Voltage Conductor",
"Asset type": "Underground Three Phase"