- URL:https://<networkdiagrams_url>/<diagramName>
- Operations:Append Features, Apply Layout, Apply Template Layouts, Clear Flags, Extend, Find Diagram Features, Find Initial Network Objects, Find Network Features, Get Aggregations, Get Flags, Manage Flag, Overwrite From Features, Query Diagram Content, Query Diagram Elements By Extent, Query Diagram Elements by ObjectIDs, Save Layout, Store, Update
- Child Resources:Dynamic Layers, Layer Definitions, Diagram Map
- Version Introduced: 10.6
The Diagram resource represents a single network diagram under a Network Diagram service. It is returned as a JSON Diagram Information object.
It supports three child resources:
- Diagram Map—Mimics a map service resource for the network diagram.
- Dynamic Layers—Describes the sublayers under the diagram layer.
- Layer Definitions—Details the layer and labeling properties that define each sublayer under the diagram layer.
- overwriteFromFeatures—Overwrites the diagram resource content from a set of utility network feature Global IDs.
- appendFeatures—Appends a set of utility network features to the diagram resource.
- update—Updates the diagram resource content; that is, it reflects any changes that may have impacted the network features that have been used to build the diagram.
- extend—Extends the diagram resource content one feature level by connectivity, traversability, containment, or attachment.
- store—Stores the temporary network diagram resource in the database.
- findNetworkFeatures—Searches for the utility network features associated with the set of diagram features referenced in the diagram resource.
- findDiagramFeatures—Searches for the diagram features referenced in the diagram resource that are associated with a set of utility network features or a set of diagram features represented in another network diagram.
- getAggregations—Returns the list of the diagram aggregations represented in the diagram resource.
- saveLayout—Saves new geometries that may have been computed for a set of diagram features represented in the diagram resource.
- applyLayout—Applies a diagram layout algorithm on the diagram resource.
- applyTemplateLayouts—Applies the list of the layout algorithms configured on the template.
- manageFlag—Adds or removes a flag on a particular diagram feature.
- clearFlags—Clears all the flags on the diagram resource.
- getFlags—Retrieves all the flags on the diagram resource.
- queryAttributesBySource—Retrieves the value of the attributes you want from the specified network source class or network source table for each network feature or network object represented in the diagram resource.
- queryDiagramContent—Returns the diagram content in a simple format that reflects basic connectivity. It can also return extra information such as diagram feature geometry, utility network elements attributes, aggregated elements, and diagram properties.
- queryDiagramElementsByExtent—Retrieves the set of diagram features represented in the diagram resource that intersect a specified envelope.
- queryDiagramElementsByObjectIDs—Retrieves the set of diagram features represented in the diagram resource with the specified ObjectIDs.
![]() |

Request parameters
Parameter | Details |
gdbVersion | Description: The name of the geodatabase version. Syntax: gdbVersion=<version> Example: gdbVersion=ABV1 |
sessionId | Description: The token (guid) used to lock the version. Syntax: sessionId=<guid> Example: sessionId=44G259DE-87B0-407D-8F2E-DCB7665DD0F0 |
moment | Description: The session moment. Syntax: moment=<moment> Example: moment=1490867969324 |
f | Description: The response format. The default response format is html. Values: <html | json> |
Example usage
Accessing the DiagramTest1 REST endpoint in Default:
- URL: https://myserver.esri.com/server/rest/services/Naperville/NetworkDiagramServer/diagrams/DiagramTest1
- Parameters: f=pjson
- Sent URL (GET): https://myserver.esri.com/server/rest/services/Naperville/NetworkDiagramServer/diagrams/DiagramTest1?f=pjson
Accessing the DiagramTest1 REST endpoint in a specific version named 'ABV1':
- URL: https://myserver.esri.com/server/rest/services/Naperville/NetworkDiagramServer/diagrams/DiagramTest1
- Parameters:
gdbversion=ABV1 f=pjson
- Sent URL (GET): https://myserver.esri.com/server/rest/services/Naperville/NetworkDiagramServer/diagrams/DiagramTest1?gdbversion=ABV1&f=pjson
JSON Response syntax
A JSON Diagram Information object.
JSON Response example
"tag": "#ElectricDistribution#RMT001#Medium Voltage Radial",
"isStored": true,
"isSystem": true,
"creator": "acb7352",
"creationDate": 1503062040000,
"lastUpdateBy": "acb7352",
"lastUpdateDate": 1503062040000,
"containerMargin": 0.5,
"junctionCount": 5701,
"edgeCount": 6264,
"containerCount": 668,
"aggregationCount": 0,
"access": "esriDiagramPublicAccess",
"diagramExtent": {
"xmin": 1027304.9786740914,
"ymin": 1862504.1933266893,
"xmax": 1036507.4494423419,
"ymax": 1869488.4421534389,
"spatialReference": {
"wkid": 102671,
"latestWkid": 3435
"networkExtent": {
"xmin": 1027304.9786740914,
"ymin": 1862504.1933266893,
"xmax": 1036507.4494423419,
"ymax": 1869488.4421534389,
"spatialReference": {
"wkid": 102671,
"latestWkid": 3435
"name": "DiagramTest1",
"id": "{6F1E9192-A2C4-401D-B044-C02BBC99BE3A}",
"template": "Basic"