Update Is Connected
- URL:https://<utilitynetworkservice-url>/updateIsConnected(POST only)
- Version Introduced:10.6
Utility network features have an attribute named IsConnected that tells you whether a feature is connected to a subnetwork controller and could therefore potentially be part of an existing subnetwork. The updateIsConnected operation updates this attribute on features in the specified utility network for the default version.
- The network topology must be enabled.
- This operation must be executed by the portal utility network owner.
updateIsConnected is supported both synchronously and asynchronously.

Request parameters
Parameter | Details |
f | Description: Optional parameter representing the output format of the response. The default response format is html. Values: html | json |
async | Description: If true, the request is processed as an asynchronous job, and a URL is returned that a client can visit to check the status of the job. The default is false. Values: true | false This parameter was introduced at ArcGIS Enterprise 10.9.1. |
JSON Response syntax
JSON response (when async = false):
"moment" : <datetime>,
"success" : <true | false>,
"error" : { // only if success is false
"extendedCode" : <HRESULT>,
"message" : <error message>,
"details" : [ <detail> ]
JSON response (when async = true):
"statusUrl" :
JSON response to the status URL (when pending or in progress):
"status" : "",
"submissionTime" : ,
"lastUpdatedTime" :
Example usage
Run the updateIsConnected operation on features in the utility network.
Request URL and parameters:
JSON response:
"moment": 1554336000000,
"success": true