Layer / Table
- URL:https://<mapservice-url>/<layerOrTableId>
- Required Capability:Map
- Version Introduced:9.3

In releases earlier than 10.0, this resource represented only a layer. In 10.0 and later, it represents either a layer or table depending on whether the LayerOrTableId is that of a layer or a table.
The layer/table resource represents a single layer/table in a map of a map service published by ArcGIS Server. It provides basic information about the layer/table such as its name, type, and fields. For layers, it provides additional information about the layer such as its parent and sublayers, minimum and maximum scales, extent, and copyright text.
If a layer is authored with display expression and not a display field, displayField will be the first field used in the display expression.
supportsStatistics and supportsAdvancedQueries are dependent on the layer data source.
supportsStatistics would return false in the following scenarios:
- The layer / table resides in a workspace other than an enterprise or file geodatabase.
- The layer / table has more than one join defined on it.
- The layer / table is joined with another layer / table from a different workspace.
- The layer / table has an outer join and where the workspace is earlier than 10.1, Geodatabase and application server connection is used.
supportsAdvancedQueries would return false in the following scenarios:
- The layer / table resides in a workspace other than an enterprise database or File Geodatabase.
- The layer / table is joined with another layer / table from a different workspace.
New in 10.9
- preferredTimeReference is added as new property to allow the author recommend which time zone a client application should display all date-time values for this layer.
- dateFieldsTimeReference must be set to a time zone (i.e. cannot be null) when preferredTimeReference is set.
- When a layer has features with date-time values from multiple time zones and you want to keep those date-time values as-is (not convert them to a single time zone), you need to set datesInUnknownTimezone to true.
- When datesInUnknownTimezone is true, both preferredTimeReference and dateFieldsTimeReference must not be set.
- When datesInUnknownTimezone is true, date-time values, in a map service query results, are returned encoded numbers representing milliseconds since epoch (January 1, 1970) in each local time zone and don't get converted to UTC.
Client applications must not perform any time zone conversion with these data.
- When datesInUnknownTimezone is false, date-time values, in a map service query results, are returned encoded numbers representing milliseconds since epoch (January 1, 1970) in UTC.
Client applications can perform any time zone conversion with these data since they are all returned in UTC.
- When datesInUnknownTimezone is true, date-time values, in a map service query results, are returned encoded numbers representing milliseconds since epoch (January 1, 1970) in each local time zone and don't get converted to UTC.
- When datesInUnknownTimezone is true, both preferredTimeReference and dateFieldsTimeReference must not be set.
- The SupportsLOD property indicates if the ability to do lod queries can be turned on for a feature service layer. Lod queries have been turned on and can be queried when the layer includes an lodInfos property. This allows to get tessellation of regularly shaped polygons such as hexagons, rectangles, square etc. Attributes for each features represent aggregated results from the point features fall within them.
This property is only true when the layer is enabled with Feature Binning capability in ArcGIS Pro.
- Two new properties are added in advancedQueryCapabilities section for map service published from ArcGIS Pro.
- supportsTimeRelation allows client applications like ArcGIS Pro to have more control while working with time-aware layers using time sliders. You can decide whether to include or exclude start or end time.
- supportsSqlFormat allows client applications use SQL conforms to standardized queries specifications when useStandardizedQueries is false.
- supportsPercentileStatistics is true for layers/tables off a File Geodatabase.
Layers that have hasAttachments and supportsQueryAttachments both as true now have the following features:
These features apply to only to map services published from ArcGIS Pro.
- The attachmentProperties object is included for ArcGIS Enterprise feature services. This was already a feature for ArcGIS Online hosted feature services.
- A new fieldname property that can be used with the queryAttachments operation's attachmentsDefinitionExpression parameter to limit results based on values in the attachment table.
- Enterprise hosted feature services support both keywords and exifInfo (isEnabled as true). These columns are added automatically when publishing a new feature services with attachments, or enabling attachments on an existing layer. If upgrading from an earlier release, the keywords and exifInfo columns will not be available. However, they can be added using the updateDefinition operation. Hosted feature services in ArcGIS Online already support attachment columns.
- New attachment properties, id and globalid, have been added for all feature service layers that support attachments, including ArcGIS Online hosted feature services.
- A new attachmentFields object lists information about the attachment fields, such as the type and length. The attachmentFields name property can be matched to the attachmentProperties fieldName property. This information can be used to properly format queries and understand limits in the field length response. Only fields that match properties with isEnabled as true will be listed in attachmentFields.
- Field names are now returned in addition to the field properties in the queryAttachments operation response. If the field name and property name match, including case, only one value is returned in the response to represent both field and property. As best practice, it is best to go by the fieldname rather than the property when consuming this in an application.
New in 10.8
- referenceScale is added as a new property to represent the scale at which the size of a symbol and text for layer, if participates, is fixed.
This property is only available when canScaleSymbols is true.
New in 10.7.1
- supportedQueryFormats now includes pbf (protocol buffer), a compact binary encoding for geographic data.
New in 10.6.1
- New property named archivingInfo is added.
- supportsCountDistinct property added inside the advancedQueryCapabilities element.
- New property named hasMetadata is added. This value is true when the service is published using ArcGIS Pro 2.2 or later, false otherwise.
- If hasMetadata is true, the layer / table supports iteminfo, thumbnail, and metadata resources.
New in 10.6
- New property named displayFieldExpressionInfo is added; it returns the tile of the expression and an Arcade expression.
- When a layer is authored with displayExpression, its resources still report displayField, which is a field picked from the Arcade expression or the default displayField, in case the expression does not have any field in it.
New in 10.5.1
- returnDomainNames is a parameter on the layer resource in which domain information includes only the domain name. The domain names can be matched with the full domain information as returned by the queryDomains operation. This approach is a more efficient way to work with domains, as it requires returning the full domain information only once instead of with each layer.
New in 10.5
- Layer reports its sourceSpatialReference, which can be different than what is in its extent or its container map service's spatial reference.
- Added new flags:
- supportsDatumTransformation to indicate the layer supports datum transformation while query results get projected.
- supportsSqlExpression indicates that the layer/table supports sql expressions in query operation's orderBy, groupByFieldsForStatistics and outStatistics.
- New properties are added to report ranges and parameterized filters:
- rangeInfos returns a list of available ranges including their names, current values, and full extent.
- parameterInfos returns a list of available parameterized filters. These are preauthored filters to limit what you want to query or display. This is like layerDefs except that layerDefs requires you to pass in an entire sql where clause whereas for parameterized filters, you need to pass in the name-value pair.
- returnUpdates response includes updated full spatial extent when the layer is from an enterprise geodatabase.
New in 10.3.1
- supportsStatistics supports Query Layers, for example, such as layers / tables defined by a SQL query from a database, geodatabase archived layer, and so on.
- Layers from file geodatabases support pagination (supportsPagination property). Other supported workspaces include Altibase, Hana, Oracle 12c (and later releases), PostgreSQL, SQLite, and SQL Server 2012 (and later releases). The following are not supported: DB2, Informix, Netezza, and Teradata.
New in 10.3
- All properties related to query are grouped inside advancedQueryCapabilities. See section below titled 'advancedQueryCapabilities' for more information.
- supportsPagination indicates whether the layer supports pagination in a query result.
- supportsTrueCurve indicates whether the service supports accepting and returning true curves as a segment of a polyline or polygon.
- supportsAdvancedQueries is split into supportsOrderBy and supportsDistinct.
New in 10.2
- A new property is reported to indicate whether the layer requires the use of standardized queries—useStandardizedQueries. A value of true indicates the layer requires the use of standardized queries, a value of false indicates otherwise. Learn more about standardized queries.
- Layer / table resources no longer report the existing definition expression set in the source map document.
New in 10.1 SP1
- If ownership-based access control is enabled on features, ownershipBasedAccessControlForFeatures property of a layer will include an allowOthersToQuery property.
- supportsAdvancedQueries is true if the layer/table supports returnDistinctValues parameter in a query operation.
New in 10.1
- Layer resource supports a new parameter (returnUpdates) that accepts a Boolean value. Pass this parameter to retrieve updated timeExtent for the layer.
- Layer now supports a new operation, generateRenderer. Use this to generate class breaks or a unique value renderer.
- A new property, canModifyLayer was added. Use this property on the Layer / Table resource to determine if a layer supports modifying its renderer and/or data source.
- Layer resource contains hasLabels to indicate whether the layer has labels defined on it, and canScaleSymbols if the text and symbols on the layer will change as the map scale varies.
- Layer resource contains hasLiveData that returns a Boolean value. This value is true if the layer's data gets updated frequently. This property is independent of hasLiveData that is available on the map service resource.
- Layer resource contains maxRecordCount that represents the maximum number of records that can be returned by query, find, and identify operations.
- Layer resource contains supportsStatistics that indicates whether the layer supports statistical functions in query operations and supportsAdvancedQueries to indicate if the layer supports orderByFields in a query operation.
- Layer resource contains supportedQueryFormats. This value indicates the supported output formats for a query operation.
- Layer resource contains hasZ and hasM to indicate whether the layer geometry contains z- or m-values, respectively.
- Layer resource now returns role, cardinality, keyField, composite, relationshipTableId, and keyFieldInRelationshipTable properties for relationships.
- Layer resource now returns two new properties: effectiveMinScale and effectiveMaxScale. Effective minimum and maximum scale are calculated based on the minScale and maxScale values of the current layer and its ancestors. These represent the effective minimum and maximum scales at which the layer is visible.
- Layer resource includes isDataVersioned if the layer is versioned.
New in 10.0
- The layer/table resource represents a single layer/table in a map of a map service published by ArcGIS Server . It provides basic information about the layer/table such as its name, type, and fields. For layers, it provides additional information about the layer such as its parent and sublayers, minimum and maximum scales, extent, and copyright text. In 10.0 and later, it also provides information regarding the relationship of this layer/table with other layers/tables in the map service. A property to indicate whether the layer/table has attachments was also added at 10.0.
- Support for time-aware layers/tables was added at 10.0. If a layer/table supports querying and exporting maps based on time, the response will include a timeInfo property that includes information such as the start time field (or the time instance field), the end time field, the track ID field, the layer's time extent, and the suggested draw time interval.
Request parameters
Parameter |
Details |
f |
The response format. The default response format is html. Values: html | json |
returnUpdates | This parameter was added at 10.1. If value is true, returns updated time extent. If the layer is not time-aware, returns an empty response. Values: true | false |
returnDomainNames | This parameter was added at 10.5.1. If the value is true, then domain information provided in the layer includes only the domain name. To get the full domain information, use the queryDomains operation in the service resource. This domain, included in the layer, can be used to link to the full domain information via the domain name. If the value is false or not set, full domain information is included in the layer as it was in past releases. Values: true | false |
- advancedQueryCapabilities capabilities are dependent on the support of these functionality by the layer/table's datasource. As a map service author, you do not have any control to turn them on or off except for useStandardizedQueries.
For example:
- A layer referring to a shapefile will return false for supportsStatistics, supportsOrderBy, supportsPagination, and so on, and you will not be able to make use of outStatistics, orderByFields, or resultOffset and resultRecordCount, respectively, in a query operation request.
- Whereas, a layer referring to a FeatureClass from an Enterprise Database will most likely return true for supportsStatistics, supportsOrderBy, supportsPagination, and so on.
- When useStandardizedQueries is true, you must conform a where clause and any expression you pass in orderByFields, outStatistics, and so on to ArcGIS Server standardizedQueries specifications. When it is false, you can pass in SQL expression that conforms to the source database. As an admin, you can disable StandardizedQueries for all services running on a server instance.
- supportsStatistics indicates that you can pass values in a query operation's outStatistics parameter to get some statistical results for that layer/table.
- supportsOrderBy indicates that you can get a query result sorted by ascending or descending order based on values from one or multiple fields or expression (when supportsSqlExpression is true) by passing in values to orderByFields.
- supportsDistinct indicates that you can make a query to retrieve unique values from a field or fields specified in the outFields.
- supportsPagination indicates whether the layer supports paging through query result. When it is supported, you can use resultOffset or resultRecordCount to fetch, for example, the first 10 records and then make subsequent request to fetch next the 10 records. To support pagination, a supported workspace must be used: Altibase, Hana, Oracle 12c (and later releases), PostgreSQL, SQLite, and SQL Server 2012 (and later releases). The following are not supported: file geodatabase, DB2, Informix, Netezza, and Teradata.
- supportsTrueCurve indicates whether the service supports accepting and returning true curves as a segment of a polyline or polygon.
- supportsReturningQueryExtent indicates pass true to returnExtentOnly to return an extent covering all features in a query result, instead of returning features.
- When supportsQueryWithDistance is true, you can pass include a buffer distance in a query request.
- supportsSqlExpression indicates that the layer/table supports sql expressions in query operation's orderBy, groupByFieldsForStatistics and outStatistics.
Example usage
Example 1: Get information about layerId3 in the Census map service:
Example 2: Using returnUpdates to return updated temporal information, if the layer is time enabled.
JSON Response syntax
Below is an example of the JSON response syntax:
"currentVersion": <currentVersion>, //Added at 10.0 SP1
"id": <layerOrTableId>,
"name": "<layerOrTableName>",
"type": "<layerOrTableType>", //for tables, the type will be "Table"
"description": "<description>",
"definitionExpression": "<definitionExpression>",
//properties specific to layers only
"geometryType": "<geometryType>",
"hasZ": <true|false>, //added in 10.1
"hasM": <true|false>, //added in 10.1
"copyrightText": "<copyrightText>",
"parentLayer": {
"id": <parentLayerId>,
"name": "<parentLayerName>"
"subLayers": [
"id": <subLayerId1>,
"name": "<subLayerName1>"
"id": <subLayerId2>,
"name": "<subLayerName2>"
"minScale": <minScale>,
"maxScale": <maxScale>,
"effectiveMinScale": <effectiveMinScale>,
"effectiveMaxScale": <effectiveMaxScale>,
"defaultVisibility": <true | false>,
"extent": <envelope>,
//from 10 onward - if the layer / table supports querying and exporting maps based on time
"timeInfo": {
"startTimeField": "<startTimeFieldName>",
"endTimeField": "<endTimeFieldName>",
"trackIdField": "<trackIdFieldName>",
"timeExtent": [<startTime>, <endTime>],
"timeReference": {
"timeZone": "<timeZone>",
"respectsDaylightSaving": <true | false>
"timeInterval": <timeInterval>,
"timeIntervalUnits": "<timeIntervalUnits>",
//the default time-related export options for this layer
"exportOptions": {
//If true, use the time extent specified by the time parameter
"useTime": < true | false >,
//If true, draw all the features from the beginning of time for that data
"timeDataCumulative": < true | false >,
//Time offset for this layer so that it can be overlaid on the top of a previous or future time period
"timeOffset": <timeOffset1>,
"timeOffsetUnits": "<esriTimeUnitsCenturies | esriTimeUnitsDays | esriTimeUnitsDecades |
esriTimeUnitsHours | esriTimeUnitsMilliseconds | esriTimeUnitsMinutes |
esriTimeUnitsMonths | esriTimeUnitsSeconds | esriTimeUnitsWeeks | esriTimeUnitsYears |
"hasLiveData": <true | false>,
//from 10.0 onward - for feature layers only
"drawingInfo": {
"renderer": <renderer>,
"transparency": <transparency>,
"labelingInfo": <labelingInfo>
//from 10 onward - indicates whether the layer / table has attachments or not
"hasAttachments": <true | false>,
//from 10 onward - indicates whether the layer / table has htmlPopups
"htmlPopupType": "<esriServerHTMLPopupTypeNone | esriServerHTMLPopupTypeAsURL | esriServerHTMLPopupTypeAsHTMLText>",
//layer / table field information
"displayField": "<displayFieldName>",
//the typeIdField is new at 10.0
"typeIdField": "<typeIFieldName>",
//from 10.0 fields of type (String, Date, GlobalID, GUID and XML) have an additional length property
//from 10.0 onward the field domains are also included
"fields": [
"name": "<fieldName1>",
"type": "<fieldType1>",
"alias": "<fieldAlias1>",
"length": "<length1>",
"domain": <domain1>
"name": "<fieldName2>",
"type": "<fieldType2>",
"alias": "<fieldAlias2>",
"length": "<length2>",
"domain": <domain2>
//new at 10.0 - if the layer has sub-types, they'll be included
"types": [
"id": <typeId1>,
"name": "<typeName1>",
"domains": {
"<domainField11>": <domain11>,
"<domainField12>": <domain12>
"id": <typeId2>,
"name": "<typeName2>",
"domains": {
"<domainField11>": <domain21>,
"<domainField12>": <domain22>
//new at 10 - if the layer / table participates in relationships with other layers / tables
"relationships": [
"id": <relationshipId1>,
"name": "<relationshipName1>",
"relatedTableId": <relatedTableId1>,
"role": "<esriRelRoleOrigin>|<esriRelRoleDestination>";,//Added at 10.1
"cardinality": "<esriRelCardinalityOneToOne>|<esriRelCardinalityOneToMany>|<esriRelCardinalityManyToMany>";,//Added at 10.1
"keyField": "<keyFieldName2>",//Added at 10.1
"composite": <true>|<false>,//Added at 10.1
"relationshipTableId": <attributedRelationshipClassTableId>, //Added in 10.1. Returned only for attributed relationships
"keyFieldInRelationshipTable": "<key field in AttributedRelationshipClass table that matches keyField>" //Added in 10.1. Returned only for attributed relationships
"id": <relationshipId2>,
"name": "<relationshipName2>",
"relatedTableId": <relatedTableId2>,
"role": "<esriRelRoleOrigin>|<esriRelRoleDestination>";,//Added at 10.1
"cardinality": "<esriRelCardinalityOneToOne>|<esriRelCardinalityOneToMany>|<esriRelCardinalityManyToMany>";,//Added at 10.1
"keyField": "<keyFieldName2>",//Added at 10.1
"composite": <true>|<false>,//Added at 10.1
"relationshipTableId": <attributedRelationshipClassTableId>, //Added in 10.1. Returned only for attributed relationships
"keyFieldInRelationshipTable": "<key field in AttributedRelationshipClass table that matches keyField>" //Added in 10.1. Returned only for attributed relationships
//Added at 10.1
"maxRecordCount": <recordCount>,
//Added at 10.1 - if the layer / table supports modifying its renderer, data source, or join information.
"canModifyLayer": <true | false>,
//Added at 10.1 - if the layer / table supports statistical functions in query operation.
"supportsStatistics": <true | false>,
//Added at 10.1 - if the layer / table supports orderBy parameter in query operation.
"supportsAdvancedQueries": <true | false>,
//Added at 10.1 - if the layer has labels defined on it.
"hasLabels": <true | false>,
//Added at 10.1 - if the layer renders its symbols based on scale.
"canScaleSymbols": <true | false>,
//comma separated list of supported capabilities - e.g. "Map,Query,Data"
"capabilities": "<capabilities>",
//comma separated list of supported query output formats - e.g. "JSON"
"supportedQueryFormats": "<supported query output formats>",
//true if the layer is versioned.
"isDataVersioned": <true | false>,
//Added at 10.1 SP1.
"ownershipBasedAccessControlForFeatures": {
//Added at 10.1 SP1.
"allowOthersToQuery": <true | false>
//Added at 10.3 - container for below properties.
"advancedQueryCapabilities": {
//Added at 10.2.
"useStandardizedQueries": <true | false>,
//Added at 10.3.1.
"supportsStatistics": <true | false>,
//Added at 10.3.
"supportsOrderBy": true,
//Added at 10.3.
"supportsDistinct": true,
//Added at 10.3.
"supportsPagination": false,
//Added at 10.3.
"supportsTrueCurve": true
JSON Response syntax
When returnUpdates is true:
"id": <layer id>,
"timeExtent": [
<start time>,
<end time>
"fullExtent": {
"xmin": <xmin>,
"ymin": <ymin>,
"xmax": <xmax>,
"ymax": <ymax>,
"spatialReference": <spatialReference>
JSON Response example
"currentVersion": 10.31,
"id": 0,
"name": "BuildingPermits",
"type": "Feature Layer",
"description": "",
"geometryType": "esriGeometryPoint",
"copyrightText": "",
"parentLayer": null,
"subLayers": [],
"minScale": 0,
"maxScale": 0,
"drawingInfo": {
"renderer": {
"type": "simple",
"symbol": {
"type": "esriSMS",
"style": "esriSMSCircle",
"color": [
"size": 4,
"angle": 0,
"xoffset": 0,
"yoffset": 0,
"outline": {
"color": [
"width": 1
"label": "",
"description": ""
"transparency": 0,
"labelingInfo": null
"defaultVisibility": true,
"extent": {
"xmin": -1.366377185708964E7,
"ymin": 5699225.41829418,
"xmax": -1.3663618388213603E7,
"ymax": 5699411.767458527,
"spatialReference": {
"wkid": 102100,
"latestWkid": 3857
"hasAttachments": false,
"htmlPopupType": "esriServerHTMLPopupTypeNone",
"displayField": "CITYNAME",
"typeIdField": null,
"fields": [
"name": "RECORD",
"type": "esriFieldTypeDouble",
"alias": "RECORD",
"domain": null
"name": "PERMITDATE",
"type": "esriFieldTypeDate",
"alias": "PERMITDATE",
"length": 36,
"domain": null
"name": "PERMIT_NO",
"type": "esriFieldTypeString",
"alias": "PERMIT_NO",
"length": 15,
"domain": null
"name": "CITYNAME",
"type": "esriFieldTypeString",
"alias": "CITYNAME",
"length": 17,
"domain": null
"name": "VALUE",
"type": "esriFieldTypeDouble",
"alias": "VALUE",
"domain": null
"name": "SQFT",
"type": "esriFieldTypeDouble",
"alias": "SQFT",
"domain": null
"name": "TLID",
"type": "esriFieldTypeString",
"alias": "TLID",
"length": 17,
"domain": null
"name": "SUBDIV",
"type": "esriFieldTypeString",
"alias": "SUBDIV",
"length": 63,
"domain": null
"name": "LOT",
"type": "esriFieldTypeString",
"alias": "LOT",
"length": 11,
"domain": null
"name": "BLOCK",
"type": "esriFieldTypeString",
"alias": "BLOCK",
"length": 7,
"domain": null
"name": "WORK_DESC",
"type": "esriFieldTypeString",
"alias": "WORK_DESC",
"length": 111,
"domain": null
"name": "CONST_TYPE",
"type": "esriFieldTypeString",
"alias": "CONST_TYPE",
"length": 13,
"domain": null
"name": "STRUCT_TYP",
"type": "esriFieldTypeString",
"alias": "STRUCT_TYP",
"length": 12,
"domain": null
"name": "NO_UNITS",
"type": "esriFieldTypeDouble",
"alias": "NO_UNITS",
"domain": null
"name": "ADDRESS",
"type": "esriFieldTypeString",
"alias": "ADDRESS",
"length": 37,
"domain": null
"name": "X_COORD",
"type": "esriFieldTypeDouble",
"alias": "X_COORD",
"domain": null
"name": "Y_COORD",
"type": "esriFieldTypeDouble",
"alias": "Y_COORD",
"domain": null
"name": "CODE",
"type": "esriFieldTypeString",
"alias": "CODE",
"length": 13,
"domain": null
"name": "RuleID",
"type": "esriFieldTypeInteger",
"alias": "RuleID",
"domain": null
"name": "OwnerName",
"type": "esriFieldTypeString",
"alias": "OwnerName",
"length": 50,
"domain": null
"name": "OBJECTID",
"type": "esriFieldTypeOID",
"alias": "OBJECTID",
"domain": null
"name": "Permit_Status",
"type": "esriFieldTypeString",
"alias": "Permit_Status",
"length": 10,
"domain": null
"relationships": [
"id": 0,
"name": "for taslot",
"relatedTableId": 2,
"role": "esriRelRoleDestination",
"keyField": "TLID",
"cardinality": "esriRelCardinalityOneToMany",
"composite": false
"id": 1,
"name": "owns TaxLots",
"relatedTableId": 2,
"role": "esriRelRoleDestination",
"keyField": "OwnerName",
"cardinality": "esriRelCardinalityOneToMany",
"composite": false
"canModifyLayer": false,
"canScaleSymbols": false,
"hasLabels": false,
"capabilities": "Map,Query,Data",
"maxRecordCount": 1000,
"supportsStatistics": true,
"supportsAdvancedQueries": true,
"supportedQueryFormats": "JSON, geoJSON, PBF",
"isDataVersioned": true,
"ownershipBasedAccessControlForFeatures": {"allowOthersToQuery": true},
"useStandardizedQueries": true,
"advancedQueryCapabilities": {
"useStandardizedQueries": true,
"supportsStatistics": true,
"supportsOrderBy": true,
"supportsDistinct": true,
"supportsPagination": false,
"supportsTrueCurve": true,
"supportsReturningQueryExtent": true,
"supportsQueryWithDistance": true
"dateFieldsTimeReference": null