Add Rasters
- URL:https://<imageservice-url>/add(POST only)
- Required Capability:Edit
- Version Introduced:10.1

As of 10.5, you must license your ArcGIS Server as an ArcGIS Image Server to use this resource.
This operation is supported at 10.1 and later.
The AddRasters operation is performed on an image service resource.
The AddRasters operation adds new rasters to an image service (POST only).
The added rasters can be either uploaded items, using the itemIds parameter, or published services, using the serviceUrl parameter.
If itemIds is specified, uploaded rasters are copied to the image service's dynamic image workspace location; if the serviceUrl is specified, the image service adds the URL to the mosaic dataset—no raster files are copied. The serviceUrl is required input for the following raster types: Image Service, Map Service, WCS, and WMS.
You can provide arguments to the add operation as query parameters defined in the following parameters table.
Request parameters
Parameter |
Details |
f |
The response format. The default response format is html. Values: html | json |
itemIds |
Description: The upload items (raster files) to be added. Either itemIds or serviceUrl is needed to perform this operation. Syntax: itemIds=<itemId1>,<itemId2> Example: itemIds=ib740c7bb-e5d0-4156-9cea-12fa7d3a472c,ib740c7bb-e2d0-4106-9fea-12fa7d3a482c |
serviceUrl |
Description: The URL of the service to be added. The image service will add this URL to the mosaic dataset. Either itemIds or serviceUrl is needed to perform this operation. The service URL is required for the following raster types: Image Service, Map Service, WCS, and WMS. Example: serviceUrl=https://myserver/arcgis/services/Portland/ImageServer |
rasterType |
Required Description: The type of raster files being added. Raster types define the metadata and processing template for raster files to be added. Allowed values are listed in image service resource. Example: Raster Dataset | CADRG/ECRG | CIB | DTED | Image Service | Map Service | NITF | WCS | WMS |
computeStatistics |
Description: If true, statistics for the rasters will be computed. The default is false. Values: false | true |
buildPyramids |
Description: If true, builds pyramids for the rasters. The default is false. Values: false | true |
buildThumbnail |
Description: If true, generates a thumbnail for the rasters. The default is false. Values: false | true |
minimumCellSizeFactor |
Description: The factor (times raster resolution) used to populate the MinPS field (maximum cell size above which the raster is visible). Syntax: minimumCellSizeFactor=<minimumCellSizeFactor> Example: minimumCellSizeFactor=0.1 |
maximumCellSizeFactor |
Description: The factor (times raster resolution) used to populate MaxPS field (maximum cell size below which raster is visible). Syntax: maximumCellSizeFactor=<maximumCellSizeFactor> Example: maximumCellSizeFactor=10 |
attributes |
Description: Any attribute for the added rasters. Syntax:
geodataTransforms |
Description: The geodata transformations applied on the added rasters. A geodata transformation is a mathematical model that performs a geometric transformation on a raster; it defines how the pixels will be transformed when displayed or accessed. Polynomial, projective, identity, and other transformations are available. The geodata transformations are applied to the dataset that is added. Syntax:
The syntax of the geodataTransformArguments property varies based on the specified geodataTransform name. See the geodata transformations documentation for more details. |
geodataTransformApplyMethod |
Description: This parameter defines how to apply the provided geodataTransform. The default is esriGeodataTransformApplyAppend. Values: esriGeodataTransformApplyAppend | esriGeodataTransformApplyReplace | esriGeodataTransformApplyOverwrite |
Example usage
Add two jpeg2000 images to an image service through, post content:
itemIds=i9d41856c-3636-4580-b796-7091cc069afb,i00ffedac-6b57-4afa-91b4-b74592c26192&rasterType=Raster Dataset&maximumCellSizeFactor=10&f=json
Add one JPEG image with polynomial transformation to an image service through, post request content:
itemIds=i9d41856c-3636-4580-b796-7091cc069afb&rasterType=Raster Dataset&maximumCellSizeFactor=10&geodataTransforms= [{"geodataTransform" : "Polynomial","geodataTransformArguments" : {"sourcePoints" : [{"x":0, "y":0}, {"x":100, "y":0},{"x":100, "y":100}], "targetPoints" : [{"x":10, "y":10}, {"x":110, "y":10},{"x":110, "y":110}],"polynomialOrder" : 1,"spatialReference": {"wkid" : 54004}}}] &geodataTransformApplyMethod=esriGeodataTransformApplyAppend&f=json
JSON Response syntax
"addResults" : [
"rasterId" : <rasterId1>,
"success" : <true | false>,
"error" : { //only if success is false
"code" : <code1>,
"description" : "",
"rasterId" : <rasterId2>,
"success" : <true | false>,
"error" : { //only if success is false
"code" : <code1>,
"description" : "",
JSON Response example
{"addResults": [
"rasterId": 13,
"success": true
"rasterId": 14,
"success": true