Symbol Objects
This document discusses the JSON symbol (and its supporting) objects as returned by the REST API.
The following objects are discussed here:
Color is represented as a four-element array. The four elements represent values for red, green, blue, and alpha in that order. Values range from 0 through 255. If color is undefined for a symbol, the color value is null.
JSON Syntax
[ <red>, <green>, <blue>, <alpha> ]
JSON Example
[ 67, 0, 255, 40 ]
Simple Marker Symbol
Simple marker symbols can be used to symbolize point geometries. The type property for simple marker symbols is esriSMS. The angle property defines the number of degrees (0 to 360) that a marker symbol is rotated. The rotation is from East in a counter-clockwise direction where East is the 0° axis.
New in 10.1
Support for esriSMSTriangle was added.
JSON Syntax
"type" : "esriSMS",
"style" : "< esriSMSCircle | esriSMSCross | esriSMSDiamond | esriSMSSquare | esriSMSX | esriSMSTriangle >",
"color" : <color>,
"size" : <size>,
"angle" : <angle>,
"xoffset" : <xoffset>,
"yoffset" : <yoffset>,
"outline" : { //if outline has been specified
"color" : <color>,
"width" : <width>
JSON Example
"type": "esriSMS",
"style": "esriSMSSquare",
"color": [76,115,0,255],
"size": 8,
"angle": 0,
"xoffset": 0,
"yoffset": 0,
"color": [152,230,0,255],
"width": 1
Simple Line Symbol
Simple line symbols can be used to symbolize polyline geometries or outlines for polygon fills. The type property for simple line symbols is esriSLS.
JSON Syntax
"type" : "esriSLS",
"style" : "< esriSLSDash | esriSLSDashDot | esriSLSDashDotDot | esriSLSDot | esriSLSNull | esriSLSSolid >",
"color" : <color>,
"width" : <width>
JSON Example
"type": "esriSLS",
"style": "esriSLSDot",
"color": [115,76,0,255],
"width": 1
Simple Fill Symbol
Simple fill symbols can be used to symbolize polygon geometries. The type property for simple fill symbols is esriSFS.
JSON Syntax
"type" : "esriSFS",
"style" : "< esriSFSBackwardDiagonal | esriSFSCross | esriSFSDiagonalCross | esriSFSForwardDiagonal | esriSFSHorizontal | esriSFSNull | esriSFSSolid | esriSFSVertical >",
"color" : <color>,
"outline" : <simpleLineSymbol> //if outline has been specified
JSON Example
"type": "esriSFS",
"style": "esriSFSSolid",
"color": [115,76,0,255],
"outline": {
"type": "esriSLS",
"style": "esriSLSSolid",
"color": [110,110,110,255],
"width": 1
Picture Marker Symbol
Picture marker symbols can be used to symbolize point geometries. The type property for picture marker symbols is esriPMS.

- These symbols include the base64 encoded imageData as well as a url that could be used to retrieve an image from the server. This is a relative URL for static layers and a full URL for dynamic layers in a Map Service. A relative URL can be dereferenced by accessing the map layer image resource or the feature layer image resource.
- To resize the symbol specify only the height in points. For an image to be displayed in its original size, height and width can be skipped.
- The angle property defines the number of degrees (0 to 360) that a marker symbol is rotated. The rotation is from East in a counter-clockwise direction where East is the 0° axis.
JSON Syntax
"type" : "esriPMS",
"url" : "<imageUrl>", //Relative URL for static layers and full URL for dynamic layers. Access relative URL using http://<mapservice-url>/<layerId1>/images/<imageUrl11>
"imageData" : "<base64EncodedImageData>",
"contentType" : "<imageContentType>",
"width" : <width>,
"height" : <height>,
"angle" : <angle>,
"xoffset" : <xoffset>,
"yoffset" : <yoffset>
JSON Example
"type" : "esriPMS",
"url" : "471E7E31",
"contentType" : "image/png",
"width" : 19.5,
"height" : 19.5,
"angle" : 0,
"xoffset" : 0,
"yoffset" : 0
Picture Fill Symbol
Picture fill symbols can be used to symbolize polygon geometries. The type property for picture fill symbols is esriPFS.

- These symbols include the base64 encoded imageData as well as a url that could be used to retrieve an image from the server. This is a relative URL for static layers and a full URL for dynamic layers in a Map Service. A relative URL can be dereferenced by accessing the map layer image resource or the feature layer image resource.
- To resize the symbol specify only the height in points. For an image to be displayed in its original size, height and width can be skipped.
- The angle property defines the number of degrees (0 to 360) that a marker symbol is rotated. The rotation is from East in a counter-clockwise direction where East is the 0° axis.
JSON Syntax
"type" : "esriPFS",
"url" : "<imageUrl>", //Relative URL for static layers and full URL for dynamic layers. Access relative URL using http://<mapservice-url>/<layerId1>/images/<imageUrl11>
"imageData" : "<base64EncodedImageData>",
"contentType" : "<imageContentType>",
"outline" : <simpleLineSymbol>, //if outline has been specified
"width" : <width>,
"height" : <height>,
"angle" : <angle>,
"xoffset" : <xoffset>,
"yoffset" : <yoffset>,
"xscale": <xscale>,
"yscale": <yscale>
JSON Example
"type" : "esriPFS",
"url" : "866880A0",
"contentType" : "image/png",
"outline" :
"type" : "esriSLS",
"style" : "esriSLSSolid",
"color" : [110,110,110,255],
"width" : 1
"width" : 63,
"height" : 63,
"angle" : 0,
"xoffset" : 0,
"yoffset" : 0,
"xscale" : 1,
"yscale" : 1
Text Symbol
Text symbols are used to add text to a feature (labeling). The type property for text symbols is esriTS.
New in 10.1
Four new properties were added: text, borderLineSize, haloColor, and haloSize.

- borderlineSize, haloSize, and font size are specified in points.
- When used in a dynamicLayer to specify a labeling object, as part of drawingInfo, the angle property is ignored. Also, the labeling engine can override verticalAlignment and horizontalAlignment values for proper label placement.
- When used in an Export Web Map Task as part of specifying a client-side graphic, use text to specify the text that appears on the graphic. The text symbol used in export web map task supports angle, horizontalAlignment, and verticalAlignment properties. It does not support transparency (alpha) used in color. The angle property defines the number of degrees (0 to 360) that a text symbol is rotated. The rotation is from East in a counter-clockwise direction where East is the 0° axis.
- Support for font - style and weight properties are dependent on the specified font. Not all fonts support all the values. In most cases bold and bolder are the same.
- rightToLeft affects Hebrew and Arabic fonts only.
JSON Syntax
"type" : "esriTS",
"color" : <color>,
"backgroundColor" : <color>,
"borderLineSize" : <size>,
"borderLineColor" : <color>,
"haloSize" : <size>,
"haloColor" : <color>,
"verticalAlignment" : "<baseline | top | middle | bottom>",
"horizontalAlignment" : "<left | right | center | justify>",
"rightToLeft" : <true | false>,
"angle" : <angle>,
"xoffset" : <xoffset>,
"yoffset" : <yoffset>,
"kerning" : <true | false>,
"font" : {
"family" : "<fontFamily>",
"size" : <fontSize>,
"style" : "<italic | normal | oblique>",
"weight" : "<bold | bolder | lighter | normal>",
"decoration" : "<line-through | underline | none>"
"text" : "<client-side graphic text>" //only applicable when specified as a client-side graphic.
JSON Example
"type": "esriTS",
"color": [78,78,78,255],
"backgroundColor": [0,0,0,0],
"borderLineSize": 2,
"borderLineColor": [255,0,255,255],
"haloSize": 2,
"haloColor": [0,255,0,255],
"verticalAlignment": "bottom",
"horizontalAlignment": "left",
"rightToLeft": false,
"angle": 0,
"xoffset": 0,
"yoffset": 0,
"kerning": true,
"font": {
"family": "Arial",
"size": 12,
"style": "normal",
"weight": "bold",
"decoration": "none"